At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans.

    • BATMAN as featured in BAT-MANGA from DC comics.
    • Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on the DC MULTIVERSE.
    • Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play.
    • Accessories include 4 extra hands, large Batarang, batcamera, grappling hook, GoGo magician wand and figure base.
    • Includes collectible art card.

    Collect all McFARLANE COLLECTOR EDITION figures.

    At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans.

    • BATMAN as featured in BAT-MANGA from DC comics.
    • Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on the DC MULTIVERSE.
    • Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play.
    • Accessories include 4 extra hands, large Batarang, batcamera, grappling hook, GoGo magician wand and figure base.
    • Includes collectible art card.

    Collect all McFARLANE COLLECTOR EDITION figures.

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